Re: Re: [GZG] DSIII q
From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 13:25:53 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Re: [GZG] DSIII q
>The 2nd DS3 game at the recent ECC was finished in less than *1* full
game turn - the defenders' morale collapsed before all the attacking
units had had a chance to activate even once...
Which seems a bit odd. I'd rather have a game which usually goes 4-6
turns, I think, and perhaps shorter turns, although I confess I don't
know how I'd do that.
Which reminds me, on Friday night at ECC we had a unit in Company B
break, and the morale penalty was applied to the whole force (ie company
A and the HQ platoon). Is that the way we should have done it, or should
it only have applied to Co B units?
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