[GZG] SG game setup and GMing advice
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 16:49:36 -0500
Subject: [GZG] SG game setup and GMing advice
SG game setup:
I try to put cover every 8-15", depending on how busy I want the board.
Remember, an
average move is 6-7". So making most cover two moves apart (or one good
combat move) seems
to work well. Too little cover leads to a dig-in-and-shoot style of
GMing advice:
35.) Never ask a player the time. In "Devil is in the Details", I asked
for the time
(having left my timing unit upstairs). Joel Frock generously volunteered
his watch, which
read 6:24 pm. I thought we were later, but I realized Joel might have
been from a
time-zone away so I assumed it was 7:24 pm. It was actually 9:24 pm, as
we discovered at
the end of the game! Joel's watch was 3 hours off and he didn't bother
to mention that.
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