Re: [GZG] 15mm AT-ST sugegstions sought
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:23:41 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] 15mm AT-ST sugegstions sought
Frits wrote on 02/10/2006 09:07:59 AM:
> Currently some people here at the club are working on a 15mm WWII
> north africa demo.
> This got me thinking. The AMT AT-AT is also in 1:100 scale, so with
> some kitbashing and a german paint job we could get a long way to
> 'Rommel reenacts the assault on Hoth'. This way we can
> reuse a lot of
> the stuff currently being made.
> It's been some time since I saw the movie, but weren't there AT-ST's
> on Hoth as well? There aren't any kits in this scale, so
> are there any
> alternatives out there in a similar style (in 15mm, 1:100)that would
> be suitable?
Yes, plenty of AT-ST's dodging the big boy's legs; I haven't looked at
AMT kit, but the old Micro Machines' Action Fleet chicken walker might
close, though a bit large. There was an Evil Empire(tm) IG Sentinal that
was damn close, but a bit shorter, that might be bash-able into what you
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