RE: [GZG] Speaking Kra'Vak
From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 21:18:00 +1100
Subject: RE: [GZG] Speaking Kra'Vak
I don't know how you say it but here is the Kra'vak dictionary I put
together last summer. It takes Jon's FB langauge doc (which was it self
based on one to the list by a gentleman by the name of Steven
Arrowsmith) and expands on it to give a slightly wider set of base words
to play with (the original set being a little too restrictive. If needs
be I can dig up the original unmodified. I made up the numbers so you
can ignore those and I have tried to give a nod to Los' words too
(especially where I use a different word - which I justified away as
being from a different Kra'Vak dialect).
Kra'Vak language:
This is a slightly modified version of the one posted to the GZG list
some time ago (originally created by Steven Arrowsmith, according to the
posting, who will get a credit in the book for it); I have changed a
couple of the translations, and think it works quite nicely. Maybe the
listers could double-check the translations as well as the design
First Half:
DA = Fast, Swift
DI = Little Death
DO = Follower
DE = Other
FE = Commerce, Sell, Buy
KA = Raider, Thief
KI = Spear
KO = Assault, Attack
KR = Person (s), People
LO = Great Death
LU = Sneak, Hider
RA = Little, Small
RO = Clouded
RU = Cleaner, Cleanser
SH = Transport, Mover
SI = Rover, Walker
SU = Feel
TI = Battle, Fight
TO = Seeker
VA = Great, Large
VO = Hunter
XI = Consume, Hunger
YU = King, Ruler
ZH = World
Optional third letter
A = Of
O = From
I = On
U = To
N = In
S = Not
Second Half:
First letter
B = Silent
D = Deadly
L = Force, Push
F = New
K = War
R = Stealthy
S = Sliver
T = Dark
V = Sorrow
X = See
Z = Divine
Second & Third letter
AH = Mind
AK = Kill, Killer
AN = Mother, of Mother
AS = Landmass, Mountain
AU = Build, Create
AT = Life, Death, Existing
EN = Cargo, Supplies
EK = Ship, Boat
ES = Meadow
OK = Ship, Boat
OL = Monster
ON = Fleet, Army, Host
NA = Path
UK = Lover
UR = Mix
ANO = zero
DOO = one
KEO = two
SHO = three
RIO = four
TUO = five
VAO = six
Order Joiner
I = plus
N = multiply
V = power
Higher Orders
KEV = six squared
SHV = six cubed
RIV = six to power four
TUV = six to power five
VAV = six to power six
KRA'VAK = People of the Sorrow Killer (probably an old name for their
world and/or solar system/star)
KRA'VAK DOMINION STAR FORCES - Kra'Vaka'Kia'Kon (Spear of War Host of
the People of the Sorrow Killer)
Seven = 6 + 1 = Vaoidoo
Ten = 6 + 4 = Vaoirio
Thirty nine = 36 + 3 = 6^2 + 3 = Kevisho
Not all dialects are the same thus for example:
Time in Lo'SVas dialect
Year = Turnas: Equivalent to almost 5 Human months
Month = Turnot: Equivalent to 12 human days.12 Turnot make up a Turnas
Day = Drahl: Equivalent to 2 Human days. 6 Drahl make up a Turnot
Hour = Thaar: Equivalent to 8 Human hours. 6 Thaar make up a Drahl
Minute = Tu'runs: Equivalent to 4 human minutes. 120 Tu'runs make up a
Second = Se'nod: Almost two human seconds. 120 Se'nod make up a tu'runs
-an her
Ano's Infant Kra'Vak
anoau newborn
Anoes sacred lands (literally "Birthing Lands")
de other, they, them
den their
deto release
deto'lah free
don- gone in
Doo's Adolescent male Kra'Vak
Doosh measure of time, one circuit of Zha'Vak about its sun
(approximately 502 days)
fau new
Fe'Lon Kra'Vak take on the Phey-lon'a (Phalons), has introduced the
letter combination Fe for commerce and L for push into common Kra'Vak
'es void
Kaa'zes Literally "raiders of the divine meadow"; it is a colloquial
mainly derogatory term for something perceived as culturally inferior,
also used to refer to animals, basically beings without the true
knowledge of the order of the world and thus they do not recognise
cultural taboos and so don't really deserve respect as worthy
adversaries or particularly intelligent (analogous to human concept of
dogs or chimps, smart, useful but not really on the same level rights
Kaa'Tok spectre, ghost
Keo's Mature female Kra'Vak
kes fort
ko do
Koi'Zah venerate
Kon War Host, the central military body of the Kra'Vak Dominion
Kra'Bna People of the Silent Path, these are the Intelligence and
Special Forces operatives of the Kra'Vak Dominion
kuo commit
lau must
lauf only then
Lo'Bat a Kra'Vak deity (the great hunter of death)
lo'dol plague
lo'vav eternity, infinte
Lo'X gods
Lo'z true order (divine order) of reality
Luot indigenous insectoid from the Vaas province on the Kra'Vak
colony world Doo'Dan
-osh indicates a time period being discussed
Riosh a measure of time, approximately 45 seconds
roek deformed, malformed
Ro'Kah Clouded War Mind, the biochemical blood rush leading to Kra'Vak
"beserker rage", particularly severe in adolescent male Kra'Vak, but
exhibited by all age groups to some extent
ros'xau clear (literally "clouded not see build")
rus'zok horribly deformed, malformed
runa clean off, clear out, cleanse
rux obvious
sha'zok books
Sho's Elders, Kra'Vak that have undergone their final metamorphosis
Sho'sosh time as an elder (not retirement exactly, but definitely
usually marked by change of vocation)
Sia'Na Walkers of the Path, Kra'Vak who are physiologically immune to
the effects of Ro'Kah, they act as moderators and advisers, some also
hold revered religious posts
Si'Buk Lover of Silent Walks, a Sho's chosen name - the name chosen by
an individual during the rituals marking the final metamorphosis and the
attainment of elder status
sil wander
Si'V a Kra'Vak clan
Si'V'Kon the military units made up of members of the Si'V clan
krs'au fallen or dead
siau teach, instruct
sis caught, trapped
s'v joy
s'uk unknown
sua'lau compassion
suf renew, new
sus insensate
suv pain
Tia'Vak Kra'Vak internal war (inter-clan war)
tis'anoau stillborn
toa like
toa'vat seek sorrows end
toaz thrill
ton leave, cease
tos'l return
Tusi a small hardy plant, with silvery UV reflective flowers,
originally from the Yu'Roas province of the Kra'Vak homeworld Zha'Vak,
now ubiquitous in Kra'Vak space due to its ability to grow under most
climactic regimes and its role as a staple ingredient of many Kra'Vak
warm season dishes
una how to
va much
Vaas province on the Kra'Vak colony world Doo'Dan
va'vah terror
van'x admiration
Vaosh a measure of time, approximately eleven years (i.e. six doosh)
vas tear or cut
vas'uk great unknown, ignorance
voah soul
xia'fau make new, reinvigorate
Xia'Zan "feast of holy mothers" as the central assembly of the most
powerful Kra'Vak clan matriarchs is known
Xin'Dau Lo'SVas clan renowned for their skill in science and reverse
Yuas broad, flat, oval noodles, dark purple in colour, made from Tusi
paste and the flour of the Kio'Es root (a perennial native of the
Yu'Roas province)
yu'lau control
yun reign
yuna show
yusva poorest
yuva greatest
Yu'Zan great matriarch, leader of the "feast of holy mothers"
-zah literally divine mine; analogous to glory
zuk honour
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