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Re: [GZG] [FT] Graser-1s again

From: "john tailby" <John_Tailby@x...>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 20:19:10 +1300
Subject: Re: [GZG] [FT] Graser-1s again

In our group we changed grazers to be D3 per hit instead of the D6 and 
halved the mass in compensation.

This seems to work fine and produces a slightly more predicable result

Typically in each battle a fleet of ships with grazers will get one set
rolls that = a dead enemy ship.

We found the original D6 damage per hit to be a bit over powered for our

groups tastes.

The thing we are having concerns over at the moment is SV weapons. Each 
stinger node can have an unlimited amount of power diverted to it. We
using homebrew designs so its quite possible to have a battleship with
power output 4 dice to 48 inches and 40 dice up close.

What are other peoples experience is fighting with and against SV ships?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "laserlight" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [GZG] [FT] Graser-1s again

>> > And yes I know that the megahits really don't occur that
>> > often. But it is human nature to remember bad luck and
>> > exaggerate its frequency, and to pay more attention to
>> > spectacular but low probability happenings.
> Which is why we remember the UN capital ship which won
> initiative with an ORC in F arc at range 3 mu.  Fired 4
> damage.
> Yeah, it sucks to be the one in front of a set of grasers
> when they're having a good day.  But that's the same
> reaction people had to SMR, and to Kra'Vak when they first
> came out. We might want to add a line or two of text to the
> weapon description that lets people know that *on average*,
> grasers are about as effective as the same points of
> beams--and sometimes you have good rolls and sometimes you
> don't.
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