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Re: RE: FT Scenarios (was: Re: [GZG] Re: Points systems)

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 23:03:39 +0100
Subject: Re: RE: FT Scenarios (was: Re: [GZG] Re: Points systems)

On 1/13/06, The Man in Black <> wrote:

> > One of your mid-sized ships (your choice, but cannot be the smallest
> > or largest class you field in this battle) has among its crew a
> > member of the Royal Family or a favoured Minister's son/daughter;
> > this ship MUST be deployed on the table and cannot exit the table
> > unless crippled, or the entire fleet withdraws. If this ship is
> > destroyed, YOU LOSE regardless of other mission objectives.
> I'd want to put the VIP on a fighter escorted shuttle to the strongest
> hulled ship I had ASAP.

Personally, I dislike this scenario.

There are two scenarios where I can see Royals taking to the black as
junior officers.

In the first, it is entirely for show.	In which case, they would
"serve" on a capital ship in the Home Fleet and there they would stay.

In the second, like young Roman senatorial hopefuls assigned as
tribunes, some sort of serious military career is necessary for
political credibility.	There is expected to be some sort of 'weeding
out' process.

In the latter case, I doubt the consequences of loosing the ship would
be severe enough to rate "automatically loose".  In the former case, I
doubt the young snot would ever see a real fighting warship in a

Even in heinously political states like the Soviet Union there were
not, so far as I am aware, serious negative consequences for senior
officers under whose command were killed the sons of Politburo

Just my opinion.

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and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
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