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Re: [GZG] Little Big horn was: Points systems

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 07:52:48 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Little Big horn was: Points systems

On 1/11/06, <> wrote:
> G'day,
> > There were a significant number of Indians carrying repeating
> > mostly carbines.  The US Army's advantage over the Indians was and
> > always was discipline, logistics, and training.
> Learn something everyday ;)
> So in say a SG game "inspired" by the US Army-Indian run in. How would
> you list the two side's troop quality and tech. Both AARs, but one
> the risk of ammo shortages and has a lower average squad rating?

(warning: gross generalization here)
Indians, like many other non-Western cultures, had a problem sticking
in a fight that looked bad.  If the situation appeared to go bad, they
had a tendency to pack it in and go home, or else to not press the
attack as aggressively as they should have.  They also reacted poorly
to the loss of a leader.

The Indians would have extremely uneven weaponry.  You might have
everything from AAR to reflex bows in a single band.  The majority
would actually be obsolete firearms or civillian weapons.

There is a discussion here which claims that Indians were reluctant to
close the range during engagements, and that the Springfield .45
(which was more accurate and long-range) was far more effective than
the repeating rifles at the ranges at which fights actually occured. 
Remember that large stretches of the terrain fought over were plains.

This is the study of the firearms and rounds found at Little Bighorn. 
While true that there were Henry and Winchester repeaters present on
the Indian side, 48 types of ammunition were found, counting metal and
stone arrowheads as one type.  These included round balls fired by
archaic muzzleloading smoothbores.

"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani

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