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Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 12:09:09 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....

>> The *real* issue is that weapons fire is not integrated with
>> movement.  Everyone zips around the table and then who  
>> can I
>> shoot?   I'd like to see a fluid game turn that integrates fire and
>> movement....
> THe only real way to really integrate the two (movement/firing) is  
> to start
> down the path of "impulse charts" ala SFB.

Nuh-uh! Not if we develop Passing Fire rules. :-)

One of the real problems with vector movement is that anything other  
than "1 thrust (or less) for any rotation" is the most realistic (as  
far as it goes) for a space game. Limiting 1 thrust per facing or two  
facings is pure game engineering only to balance things - and each  
solution is still not far less than 100% friendly to cinematic ship  
design. Vector games are intrinsically different than cinematic  
games, and thus vector ships *should* be intrinsically different than  
cinematic. I don't like to use most FB ships in vector games (Except  
for the NAC furious - which I hate in Cinematic), but would be pretty  
happy with the KV.

Bizarre Hempen Analog	 (Noam Raphael Izenberg - pass that clip  
along, please)

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