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Re: Re: [GZG] First go at a campaign - some questions

From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 9:29:53 +1300
Subject: Re: Re: [GZG] First go at a campaign - some questions

In our campaigns the organiser is also playing.

Because we are playing on a map and all the ships are represented by
counters indicating their approximate size there is some information
about what is going on.

We roll for initiative and then each player takes it in turn to move
their ships that impulse. because our ships can move a number of squares
equal to half their thrust, ships with more thrust can either move
further or hold off moving to await initial developments and then move
in later impulses.

because all moves are visible everyone can play and you don't need
movement orders.

We also play that ships can "pin" another ship by moving into the same
strategic square as an enemy ship so there can be advantages to movning

The main issue with having the organiser playing is that you can't
really discuss potential rule interpreations with that person without
giving away what you are planning. e.g. I wondered about using needle
missiles against the SaVasku power generators but did'nt want to tip my
hand to my Umpire /opponent. It turns out you can't needle beam SV
generators but its not clear in the rules.

The other thing to consider is how much effort you want people to spend
on managing their "economy", supply ships  and merchant fleets. if you
have to move resources on cargo ships you can then arrange convoy type
games, but the overhead can be quite large.

We went for a simpler system where ships in supply can get repaired and
resupplied automatically, ships out of supply can suffer mechanical
breakdown and can't replenish or repair.

Keeps it focussed on the battles.

Gzg-l mailing list

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