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Re: [GZG] Re: Initiative is it a game winner? And antipodian FT

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 08:15:31 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Re: Initiative is it a game winner? And antipodian FT

David B said:
> incoming.  Do you play that the initiative winner fires all ships
first, or
> only picks the first ship to fire?

FIRST ship, not ALL ships (unless you're playing Power Projection, in
which case you fire a task force at a time).

> Regarding your second situation, I feel that the Dready has the
> whether shooting first or second, because he is the biggest.

In standard FT, this is correct. In the "one DN vs 6 CL" scenario
using standard FT, the DN is going to fire all its weapons before at
least 5/6 of the CLs. And the DN only has to take out 1/24th of the
enemy's total hull boxes to start reducing the number of active enemy
weapons, whereas the CLs have to take out 1/4 of the DN's hull.

> >>From a campaign point of view, I liked Laserlight's suggestion
> crew quality effecting initiative - could you please post the rule
> crew quality appears in, Laserlight, I recall Fighter Flights being
rated as
> aces or turkeys appearing in MT, but I don't recall crew quality off
the top
> of my head.

Because it's not in the books, perhaps?  ;-)
If you look at Roger Burton West's page , you'll see the GZG List
Archives, and you can search on Crew Quality and come up with my
original post.	Unfortunately my ISP is a bit whimsical, so the link
is no longer valid-- it's now

One modification: give Elites a d5 at +15% cost.  Save the d4 for
"Legendary" or "Protagonist" level.

Gzg-l mailing list

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