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RE: [GZG] laser classes

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 13:22:51 -0600
Subject: RE: [GZG] laser classes

The dice are only linked since we are looking at a specific incident and
by the rule that a 6 has to be rolled before you get a re-roll.  For all
we know they rolled 22 dice for Class 1 beams that turn and only 2 got a
re-roll but went on to score an additional 15 points of damage.  The
point here is that all those events (all the non-rerolls) have no effect
on the remaining 15 points of damage.  By default, any roll that doesn't
produce damage is not included in the calculation (for instance there
really had to be 12 rolls not 10 since at some point they would have had
to roll a miss for each beam battery to end the streak). If the
statement had been 19 points of damage from 2 class 1 batteries over the
game, then the calculation changes, since you then have to include all
the die rolls of all the Class 1 batteries fired during the game, but
the only way to get 19 points of damage from two Class 1 beam batteries
in a single turn is to roll 9 6's and a 4 or 5. (Had the damage total
been an even number, then there would have been two possible damage
combinations; all 6's or all 6's with the last two being 4 or 5's). 


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Doug Evans
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 1:02 PM
Subject: RE: [GZG] laser classes

For this discussion, these dice are linked, though.

Die A could be 3, and die B could be 6; however, die B could be 3, and
A could be 6.  Or both could be 6.

If both are six, then you move on to the next roll with both dice.
as either of the previous dice could have been six even if the other
wasn't, you have a slightly greater chance of starting a run of sixes
two dice than with one. And that slightly better chance is found in each
case of rolling two dice.

I think.

Gawd, my brain hurts, and I have to go to a staff meeting.

I think I gave up before, but this time I REALLY mean it.


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