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Re: [GZG] SFB to FT???

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 13:42:16 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] SFB to FT???

Ok, no one leaping to the fore on this one, so I'll ask a leading
or six...

Do you mean Star Trek ships? Seen plenty of them; at one point, the
inestimable Brain of Oz had many of the SFB Fed ships done. Haven't seen
the list for quite awhile. I even shipped 'im some TFG lead to encourage
the process.

Do you mean particular weapon translations? I've seen a few, can't
where, though.

The full mechanics of impulse and power allocation? *ouch*

Ok, I think I've seen bits and pieces, including armor regeneration as
shielding and fire-arc directional shielding, tried as suggestions, but
the whole ball-o-wax.


> Has anyone done a conversion of SFB to FT??
> If so,is it possible to get a copy,please?
> Thanks,
> Mark Drake

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