Re: [GZG] ESU Ural class Naval station : Irkutsk - 337 - WIP
From: Claus Paludan <cpaludan@t...>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 08:24:59 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] ESU Ural class Naval station : Irkutsk - 337 - WIP
Robert N Bryett wrote:
> Very nice model! It looks very ESU-ish; None of your pansy curves for
> them!
Thank you .... I think most people don't realise the beauty of design
from the old mother land... :)
> The proposed weapon fit looked a bit odd though. Single-arc heavy
> batteries on a platform that can't manoeuvre (at least it appears to
> have no thrust rating)? There *are* three Class 5 batteries though,
> one would only need to pay for one extra arc per battery to get
> all-round coverage. Two 3-arc C5s would be cheaper. Definitely what
> Jack O'Neill would call "Honkin' great space-guns", and I have a
> weakness for them that I blame on E.E.Smith...
Well it's experimental at best - first of all this is my first go at a
"building" for FT, second we have never tried the 5 beams before and
while I wanted a station that could take care of it self, I didn't want
to end up with a thing that was too powerful..
As for cheapness - well with a thing this size... it doesn't really
matter :) But during our work with the SSD last night some things seemed
odd and we might change the allocation of PDS etc to the various
Note: what can't be seen from the mail is the separation into sectors.
Roughly we have made 5 sectors:
The SDN full dock area - only about 20 or 30 hull boxes
The side with no docking bays
The side with the two large docking bays
The side with the long built up area (with the red star) and two small
docking bays
The tower
The SDN dock area only got a few beam 1 and some PDS + FC (1)
The beam 5 and 3 were placed on each of the other sides together with
PDS and FC's
All armour was placed on these three sides as well.
2 fighter bays was placed at the side with the long building, the other
2 on the opposite side.. You might be able to catch a glimpse of those
(underneath the station) in the last image imgp4958.jpg (where the
fighters can be seen).
> I'd probably drop the missiles and give it more point defence,
> fighters and missiles would seem the greatest threat, but YMMV.
Yes - that is what I have been thinking as well (especially after we
tried out the fighter rules hehe.
Furthermore the tower probably needs to be beefed up a little - it
currently lacks some weapons and defence systems - didn't think much of
that when I designed the thing in the shiptool - but hey... it's a
learning experience :)
Thanks for the feedback!
With kind regards
Claus Paludan
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