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Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Newest FT ships now available!! :-)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 13:42:19 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Newest FT ships now available!! :-)

>Wow, they look good...

Thanks!!  :-)

>Just a question: SDN, Carriers or an Escort carrier is to be expected
>anytime soon...? ;-)

Yes, just as soon as I can get to work on them... hopefully November

Jon (GZG)

>		      Greetings,
>				       Catinator
>Ground Zero Games <> írta:
>>  Hi all,
>>  We are now happy to confirm availability of all the new codes I
>>  mentioned in the "teaser" a few days ago - I've just sent the
>>  listings to Paul to put up on the online store, so they should be up
>>  there within a day or two (Paul's workload permitting); pictures of
>>  the new items should be done in  a day or two as well, and as soon
>>  they are I'll send them off to TMP and SCN (as well as to Paul for
>>  the store, of course).
>>  If you are so desperate that you can't wait for the store to be
>>  updated, of course you can always email me direct or phone us
>>  722322) and be among the very first to order them!	;-)
>>  All the best,
>>  Jon (GZG).
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