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Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Newest FT ships now available!! :-)

From: Claus Paludan <cpaludan@t...>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 08:10:41 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Newest FT ships now available!! :-)

david garnham wrote:
> I don't get paid for saying this - honest! If I thought the ships were
cack I would say nothing. I happen to think they're very nice though and
you'll be able to see soon on the minis page and SCN and the GZG website
hopefully. Right I'm off to Crete for two weeks!
> Dave

Ok you just made it to my little black book of teasers!!!! We wanted 
pictures... Not more text that makes us want the pics even more!!!!!!

Ahh well - thanks for the review - I really look forward to see the pics

now :)


With kind regards
Claus Paludan

W-site : - Danish Miniature Wargaming Society
MSN : claus_paludan [at]

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