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[GZG] [SG] Cracking Eggs with a Sledgehammer, was Power Armour with Shotguns

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 03:26:26 +0200
Subject: [GZG] [SG] Cracking Eggs with a Sledgehammer, was Power Armour with Shotguns

Gzg-l mailing list 10/4/05, Ryan
Gill <> wrote:

> Using shotguns, great against the swabbies on board. Two of their guys
> have body armor, fine, swich to grenades or SABOT slugs. 10 Gauge
Slugs will
> put a lot of energy down range. 8 Gauge rounds would do even more. A
> guarantee that a Power trooper could carry an 8 guage short barrel
> smooth bore just fine. It'd also probably do a number on a target that
> slightly armored.

 So tell me, what's the practical difference between a 4 gauge automatic
shotgun (computer-selectable to feed from either the flechette or the
drums) and a light autocannon? If a suit of PA can carry the latter (see
ESU writeup in SGII) then it should have few problems with the former.
Especially if you put a muzzle brake on it, and equip the 'arm' of the
with hydraulic recoil compensation.
Here's the problem with boarding actions vs. PA-suited opponents or with
PA-scale weaponry: Starships are, in general, full of things that do not
'react well to bullets'. Not least of which is the hull. In the case of
merchantmen (IE those ships you'd most want to board and loot rather
just blow into scrap metal) those hulls are probably not real heavily
armored. And using AP rounds, high-power heat rounds, etc is probably
to poke holes in things that the design engineer did not intend to
with holes in it.
 Like the skin of the ship.
 For boarding actions against merchies, I like the Traveller:TNE Guild
Sweeper, a low-tech submachine gun with extendable stock firing 9x24mm
and an underbarrel 25mm low-velocity grenade launcher. In the hands of
reasonable competent troops working against civillians, it does the job
without opening huge gaping holes in the cargo bay resulting in all your
loot being sucked into hard vacuum which may impair the resale value.
Unlike, say, a man-portable plasma gun designed to kill light armored
vehicles. The GL is intended for locked hatches and security doors only,
is a single-shot breechloader usually loaded with HEAT rounds, issued 1
or 2
per weapon.
 Boarding actions against military starships would be rarer than hen's
and undertaken only by special operations forces. I'm inclined to equip
with cutting torches in one hand, and a 12 ga shotgun loaded with #1
buck in
the other. Against unarmored opponents the latter will do nicely without
overpenetration issues, and against armored opponents the former makes
interesting hand-to-hand weapon.
I'm back from the field.

"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
again. We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani

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