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Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Newest FT ships now available!! :-)

From: Claus Paludan <cpaludan@t...>
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 22:26:16 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Newest FT ships now available!! :-)


Roger Books wrote:
> What to order, what to order?  I want a glow-worm, but that doesn't 
> cover the minimum order.  Maybe I'll order some 25mm civilians for my 
> traveller game.  :)

No worries there... you just order the glow-worm and then a new ESU BDN,

CVL and CVE - the last 3 ships you ship to me and all is set and done :D

Ahh well - just kidding..  I will try to have a month without ordering 
from GZG (actually I don't order a thing.. I have people doing that hard

work for me :D)

With kind regards
Claus Paludan

W-site : - Danish Miniature Wargaming Society
MSN : claus_paludan [at]

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