RE: [GZG] Feedback, if not AAR's
From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:43:16 -0400
Subject: RE: [GZG] Feedback, if not AAR's
> From: david garnham <>
> Noam -
> Are there any plans to use your fusion flare launcher weapons? I
> thought those had good possibilities. How about other things like
> the "Hellbore" PT?
> I've always been a fan of the PT and think the range increase is a
> good idea.
David, the Fusion Flare/Fusion Torpedo (and combined NIF-Torpedo) are
strong candidates in my mind if the LR-PT turns out not to be the
right thing.
In fact, now that I think about it, a Long Range Fusion weapon might
substitute for an LR-PT _but_ it's not perfectly balanced against a
B4. If a LR-FF or LR-FT has 8 MU range bands, it's about 17% weaker
than a B4, and if it has 9 MU range bands it's about 6% _more_
powerful. The difference for the 9 MU version may be enough in the
noise not to worry about, and might be offset by costing the Long
range versions a bit more (4/mass) but I'd have to defer to Oerjan's
thoughts on that.
Another alternative is to give the Fusion weapons yet a different
profile: Have them deliver no damage under 18 MU, but behave like and
FFlare or FTorp at the 18-24, 24-30, and 30-36 MU range bands, and
give screens no effect. This is decidedly "odd" or complex for FT,
and I don't think it would meet with much official approval, but it
balances just about with a standard B3 (though the effectiveness of
this weapon would depend a great deal on how well you can maneuver.
An SFB-style Hellbore PT doesn't work in the granularity of the FT
system. Since there is no directional system damage, the enveloping
effect going for weaknesses in shielding doesn't apply. At FT scale,
the effect of a Hellbore would probably be to apply _all_ damage to
armor first, with no penetration. However, Zoe Brain did come up with
a version that is basically a P-Torp that gets to reroll damage rolls
of 6. Mass is 5+2 per extra arc.
"We ARE as gods and might as well get good at it." -- Whole Earth
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