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[GZG] Feedback, if not AAR's

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 15:29:08 -0400
Subject: [GZG] Feedback, if not AAR's

(Note this post was written backwards, but I've taken the extra  
precaution of reversing it _again_ for added encryption value)

There has been some discussion on Dean's Starship Combat News Forum,  
of varying utility, regarding Grasers, Long Range Pulse Torpedoes,  
and the revised fighter rules.

The LRPT discussion had (IMO) the most feedback value. LRPT's (and I  
might add Class 3 grasers and/or Class 4 beams) are much more  
playable on larger (and/or floating) tables, and thus seem limited  
when played on smaller, fixed tables. LRPT's are much more directly  
analogous to Class 4 Beams than to pairs of PTorps or Pairs of Class  
3 Beams, which is what I was thinking of pitting them against most  
I'm still trying to see if it does what I want, or whether a  
different "heavy" weapon for the New Israelis might be a better choice.


"Ah! You seen one Earth, you've seen them all."
   - Jack Schmitt on the moon, Apollo 17, 118:08:10

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