Re: [GZG] A FT question asked by 1 of our Junior players today
From: Sylvester Wrzesinski <xveers@g...>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 19:40:43 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] A FT question asked by 1 of our Junior players today wrote:
> Are the designed starship able to land on planets? Most likely in
> I know More Thrust introduced streamlining, and it was continued on in
> FB1, but there has not been any "designed" ships has streamlining
> rules included.
> and a follow-up question:
> Can Space Fighters, fly into the Atmosphere? Or are all fighters
> considered Areospace crafts?
Streamlining is the bare requirements to survive atmospheric re-entry. A
ship with no streamlining will have the maneuvering charictaristics of a
brick, and will land once, and hard. Partial streamlining makes some
effort to allow a ship to re-enter, but the ship still needs thrust in
order to land safely, as it has little actual aerodynamic handling. It
can land dead-stick, but it will need some repairs to make it fully
functional again (excluding engine repairs), though this may differ on
the universe being simulated. Fully streamlined ships can safely land
dead-stick with no danger (assuming average conditions), and only need
refuling or repair to the engines (if needed) to resume flight.
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