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[GZG] Re: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 08:27:05 +0100
Subject: [GZG] Re: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..?

>  > On 8/30/05, Ground Zero Games <> wrote:
>>  >
>>  > [...]
>>  > In general, do you prefer your starships to be smooth and sleek
>>  > (example: Trek Federation ships) or blocky and complex (example:
>>  > Earth Alliance)?
>>  [jingle, doing, tinkle] "Yes..."
>>  Kosh
>Damn, beat me to it.
>I like both blocky and smooth ships but my personal taste hates
>ships that are not symetrical.
>Jon, I have a question for you: What's the difference between
>plastic and metal for you and GZG Games?

Many, many thousands of pounds.....  ;-)

The origination costs for even a single sprue of plastic miniatures are

>I can't paint to save my soul.  I steal a joke from Blazing Saddles:
>"See this hand?  Steady as a rock.  But I paint with this hand.
>*quivering hand*"  So I prefer grey plastic (can leave unpainted),
>prepainted plastic, or I bribe others to paint for me. (no kids yet.)
>I'd love to buy more from you but I just can't do anything with it.
>Even the paper starship interiors I make come out, well, badly.

Well, starships can be the easiest things to paint - spray them in 
grey or white primer, flick a drybrush over them if you wish, pick 
out just a few details in bright colours and there you go - a 
perfectly acceptable starship for the table!

Jon (GZG)

>(Yes, this also means that I'm a computer engineer that has had his
>soldering license suspended.  I wirewrap prototypes.)
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