Re: [GZG] The internal workings of Fleets
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:48:00 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] The internal workings of Fleets
Others with 'real knowledge' will have to cover this for me, but my
impression was that current navies tend to deploy single ships of
size is necessary for patrols and the like, and that squadrons and/or
flotillas tend to be mostly administrative functions, save for
Where you have large groups, they tend to be set up that way, so that a
carrier will have assigned, and integrated, a range of assests, and the
interworkings of ships is managed with electronic communications.
Do we have anyone currently naval to tell me how much is of the above is
accurate, and how much whole-cloth flack?
David wrote on 08/22/2005 03:53:21 AM:
> Indy's lists seem to follow modern naval useage (or as
> much of it as I understand) in that there are Destroyer
> and Cruiser Flotillas that do the bulk of the patrolling
> and showing the flag, and 'Heavy Units'/Strike Units
> which, like modern US Carrier Groups (for instance), are
> deployed from base areas to where the serious fighting is.
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