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Re: New Spikeys

Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 08:37:43 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: New Spikeys

david garnham <> írta:

> Hi, 
> Just thought you might be interested to know that I've been 
sculpting some new Sa'vasku ships. So far there's a Battleship (possibly

a SDN looking at the size) , something I've been thinking of as a troop 
ship and a biomass fleet tender. They are a lot more 3-D than the 
originals but still obviously Sa'vasku. The exact classes and final
is up to Jon, of course. I've been thinking of doing some little
pods as well (for the bio marines).
> Any requests while I've got the green stuff out? Bearing in mind that 
planet killers will take a bit longer to sculpt :)
> Dave
> War! What is it good for? Er.....gaming

Well, they have an Escort carrier and a heavy carrier. A light carrier 
could be an idea. 
I would love to see a new battledreadnaught (it is not the biggest 

The tender ships are an excellent idea, and I would love to see 
something (in role) akin to a scientific vessel like FT-416 for the

A small spacestation or battle satelite?

As for 15 mm troops: I think they would use some human-sized and 
shaped bioconstructs with ranged weaponry. Beside those alien and 
bug shaped constructs.



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