[ADMIN] List move coming soon
From: "Matthew L. Seidl" <seidl@w...>
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 09:51:30 -0600
Subject: [ADMIN] List move coming soon
------- Blind-Carbon-Copy
To: seidl
Subject: [ADMIN] List move coming soon
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 09:51:30 -0600
From: "Matthew L. Seidl" <seidl@ghost>
We're finishing up a final test that will (hopefully) show that we're
ready to do the move of the lists to the new machine/software that
I've been promising. This will likely result in a day of list
downtime sometime this week (hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday). After
the downtime, the lists will come back with somewhat limited
functionality for a few days while we rebuild and index the archives,
but the lists should be fully usable during that time.
Its my hope that this will fix some of the current spotty list
delivery issues, or at least make them much easier to debug. The move
will also give the list access to a bunch of new features (easier swap
from digest to normal mail, web archives, searchable archives, etc).
Note: For those who care, we're going to a version of Mailman 2.1.5
with some additional patches (htdig integration for example).
- -=- Matthew L. Seidl email: seidl@wraith.com
=-= Research Scientist Project . . . What Project?
- -=- http://www.wraith.com/seidl -Morrow
Quotes =-=
=-= My friends tell me I lead far too interesting a life.
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