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An idea for sensors and staelth

From: david garnham <garnhamghast@f...>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 22:11:18 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: An idea for sensors and staelth

I've been mulling over the sensor lock on thing, and here's some ideas.
Firecons are the computers that take the sensor information and provide
firing resolutions so it's the sensors that are important. I see sensors
as being critical to the ships operation (without them the ship is
flying blind) so they should be core systems. So the ships lock on
should be based on the quality of it's sensors.
So I propose-
Basic sensors. No mass or cost.
Standard sensors. 1 mass and x points.
Improved sensors. 3 mass and x X 2 points.
Advanced sensors. 5 mass and x X 4 points.
Multiple sensors are backup systems, they don't improve the lock on.
Basic have a standard operational range of 12"
Standard have a range of 18"
Improved have a range of 24"
Advanced have a range of 30"
If your intended target is within this range, your lock on is automatic.
If it's outside you must roll to lock on.
Roll a D6 -
up to 6" over range - 2+ needed.
between 6" to 12" over range - 3+
etc. Over 30" over range, no lock on possible.
Modified by ship size -
x mass or less -1
over y mass +1

For stealth mechanics, how about stealth hull boxes which are like
armour boxes (an incompatible with armour) which are taken off when the
ship takes hull damage, at zero stealth boxes the ships hull is so
wrecked that it no longer absorbs sensors.
Stealth boxes could be perhaps = to half no. of hull boxes rounded down,
and twice that in points?
ECM modules should be threshold systems, so if knocked out the ship is
unprotected till they're fixed.
Any ideas?

War! What is it good for? Er.....gaming


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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