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RE: Fire Control lock-on

From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 16:21:49 +0100
Subject: RE: Fire Control lock-on

In message <a05210601bee2f8cf529a@[]>
	  Ground Zero Games <> wrote:

> Well, this discussion has certainly made for an interesting few days
> of list traffic!!  <GRIN>
> As I kind of expected, there are almost as many different opinions
> (and ideas) expressed as there are people posting..... but I always
> knew we wouldn't be able to please everyone!	;-)
> Right now, I'm leaning towards the following as a general direction to
> move in:
> 1) Basic FT (the core rules) left much as it is, ie: one firecon
> required per target, lock-on is assumed to be automatic (or assumed
> to be factored into the shots that "miss" - whichever way you like to
> think of it, the game effect is the same).
> 2) A "module" of rules in the advanced section that combines sensors,
> stealth, ECM, evasion etc. into one "lock-on" rule mechanism.
> The biggest problem I can foresee with this (as RB-W mentioned way
> back at the start of the discussion) is that the values of ships
> designed to use the advanced rules module will be different from
> those designed for the basic game only.... but then again, I think
> this will be a difficulty with ANY advanced or optional rules, and
> we'll just have to find a suitable way round it.
> Jon (GZG)
If you design the 'advanced' system so that the default case is that a 
ship with a standard fire control system automatically locks onto a 
ship with standard defences, then (hopefully) ships designed for Basic 
FT will have the same cost as those designed for 'Advanced'.

For example of how this could work:

I'm assuming that all ships have a sensor range equal to that of their 
longest range weapons.

Using the 'defender rolls to break lock' system that has been 

Fire controls come in various classes, as follows

Civilian: a very basic FireCon, has a base break-lock number of 5 or 6
Basic: a standard Full Thrust military FireCon, base break lock of 7
Enhanced: base break-lock number of 8
Superior: base break-lock number of 9

As an alternative, fire controls could be given class numbers equal to 
the break-lock number -6.

I suggest that they all require 1 MASS, but with different costs (for 
example 2 or 3 for civilian, 4 for basic, more for enhanced and 

The break-lock number is the number the defender needs to equal or 
exceed on a roll of 1d6. Notice that a defender with no special 
systems or circumstances cannot break-lock from any firecon except a 
civilian one.

For simplicity, there are no range modifiers, or ship size modifiers.

Defensive systems (stealth, ECM) give a bonus number to the break-lock 

Environmental factors such as dust clouds and nebula give bonuses to 
the break-lock roll, when including such terrain in a scenario, assign 
each duct cloud or nebula with a density number, this is the bonus the 
terrain gives to break-lock rolls. The dust clouds and nebula 
described in More Thrust (page 9) have a density of 3.

Either a successful break-lock roll breaks all locks from a particular 
ship, or each lock (if a ship locks multiple firecons onto the 
defender) requires a separate break-lock roll. As has been stated, the 
latter option favours larger ships.
An alternative option for multiple locks if that each additional 
firecon after the first penalises the break-lock roll (analogous to 
damage repair rolls).

The effects of breaking a lock should either be to prevent weapons 
fire, or to double the effective range. It should be noted that a 
logical conclusion that weapons might be expected to be able to fire 
without a fire control system, but with half their usual ranges. If 
this is not a desired outcome then either the first option should be 
used, or some explanation added for the difference between a failed 
attempt to lock on, and no fire control at all.

For placed marker weapons - one option is to give missiles their own 
individual break-lock rolls, or a 'group lock' roll for Salvo 
Missiles, where the break-lock roll determines how many missiles are 
on target (not sure about the best option here).

Well, those are my thoughts.


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