[ADMIN] List service restored
From: "Matthew L. Seidl" <seidl@w...>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:46:05 -0600
Subject: [ADMIN] List service restored
------- Blind-Carbon-Copy
To: seidl
Subject: [ADMIN] List service restored
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:46:05 -0600
From: "Matthew L. Seidl" <seidl@ghost>
The lists were down last night do to an error on our end. We're in
the process of upgrading the list machine and the list software, and
managed to kill off the sendmail's that were actually handling list
delivery. Things are pouring through the machine now though, so will
probably be mostly caught up in an hour.
And, for those that are amused by things like this, In the 60 minutes
since I fixed things I'm seeing 2-3 spam messages hit the various
lists for every piece of legit email.
- -=- Matthew L. Seidl email: seidl@wraith.com
=-= Research Scientist Project . . . What Project?
- -=- http://www.wraith.com/seidl -Morrow
Quotes =-=
=-= My friends tell me I lead far too interesting a life.
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