Re: New Beta Systems was RE: Is there anybody there.....
From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 15:54:43 -0400
Subject: Re: New Beta Systems was RE: Is there anybody there.....
>I dont see the SaVasku need 5 or more hull [rows]. They are pretty
now as it is.
Just to clarify, a five row hull is weaker than a four row hull.
Let's say you have a 60-hull SDN.
Three row hull costs 60*3 = 180 points for three rows of 20.
Four row costs 60*2 = 120m, for four rows of 15
Five row costs 60*1.5= 90, for 5 rows of 12
Six row costs 60*1= 60pts, for 6 rows of 10
So when you've taken 25 points of damage, a three row hull has only
the first threshold check; the five and six row ships have taken two
so are much more likely to have lost systems.
I make this point because I know someone who keeps thinking that a four
ship would have *more hull* than a three-row (eg four rows of 20= 80
instead of three rows of 20 = 60), which is completely wrong.
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