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[SGII] An observation upon Star Wars, Episode III

From: "John C" <john1x@h...>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 16:26:42 +0000
Subject: [SGII] An observation upon Star Wars, Episode III

Having seen the last Star Wars movie last night, there was one scene in 
particular that struck me.

I'll be vague with my spoilers here.  Just after a certain order was
we saw a female Jedi, riding a speeder bike through an alien landscape.

Now, the minute I saw said landscape, I started laughing.  Much to my

It looked exactly, EXACTLY, like any number of SF miniatures games that
played.  The plantlife that the bikes were speeding through looked like 
precisely like the sort of cheap aquarium plants that are so common on 
gaming tables, oversized flowers and all.  It looked a little prettier
the sort of thing that most of us can manage, but still.  I felt oddly 
validated by that scene.

(Movie in general, not bad.  Lots of lightsabers and explotions, which
my inner 12 year old very happy indeed.  Lots of gaming fodder, for
those so 

  John Crimmins

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