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Re: [FT] De Re FTIII Re: [OFFICIAL] FT/FB FREE downloads are up, plus newSpring Special Deals!!!!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 09:01:29 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] De Re FTIII Re: [OFFICIAL] FT/FB FREE downloads are up, plus newSpring Special Deals!!!!

>The GZG Digest wrote on 5/25/2005 1:00 AM:
>>Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 16:10:52 -0400
>>From: "" <>
>>>I think we've pretty much accepted that BDS will not happen until
>>>after the release of SG3.
>>But see for a start
>Yes, I found Jon's statement on the state of BDS to be quite strange,
too. :-)
>I know there are some Kra'vak SG2 rules floating about. It wouldn't 
>take _that_ much to whip them into shape, really.
>The Sa'Vasku would be the real bear, but I know the playtest list 
>has some ideas on how to handle them.

Yes, I know there is a fair bit of BDS-style draft stuff out there 
(including your excellent work, Allan), but I was meaning an actual, 
printed, official book - THAT will almost certainly not happen till 
after SG3 is done.

Jon (GZG)

>Allan Goodall

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