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[FT] De Re FTIII Re: [OFFICIAL] FT/FB FREE downloads are up, plus new Spring Special Deals!!!!

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 10:17:49 -0500
Subject: [FT] De Re FTIII Re: [OFFICIAL] FT/FB FREE downloads are up, plus new Spring Special Deals!!!!

Then allow us to pin you down a bit.

a) IS there a new version, as such? Several versions in the running?
directions (this would shock me as I've seen tantalizing clues in leaks
from the playtest group)?

b) If a, then is it meeting your expectations?

c) Will there be an expanded playtest 'beta' group?

d) Estimations on when 'it will be ready'?

bonus question) May we take your releasing of the PDF's as an indication
a clearing, or near clearing, of stock of the printed version? ;->=

Question on the downloads: are the PDF's supposed to be locked to
Unfamiliar as I am with Adobe Reader, I was surprised to find I could
text from all three, but was blocked as to copying images from FB1. Of
course, my intention was to copy SSD's for printing separately, but I'd
understand if you tried to lock that out. If so, it only seems to have
taken on the one book. If it wasn't, I'll be damned if I can figure out
I've bo******'d it up.

> "In six weeks."
>   That's what IT always used to tell me...

The exact amount would prolly depend on how far in the future you can
automatic reminders on your local 'productivity' system. I'm assuming it
was always verbal, and never written in electrons.

Oh, yeah, one last question. No, really. Where's BDS?

> <runs away very fast>

What he said...


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