Re: [FT] Weapons Cost for firing every other turn
From: Chip Dunning <chip.dunning@f...>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 22:42:21 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Weapons Cost for firing every other turn
I guess you could have two different types of turret mounts. Say that
the cheaper cost will mount multiple weapons, but all of the weapons
must target the same unit. An example of this would be the US Quad-50
mount from WW2.
Using this example I could see someone wanting to mount 4
Class-1 Beam
Weapons on a single turret and consider it some high-speed beam array.
Given the cost reduction this would be useful in any Anti-Fighter and
Anti-Missile role.
A second turret design would allow the weapons within the turret to
target different units, but they would be limited to the same arc. An
example of this would be like the COAX on most MBTs or the guns on just
about any modern surface warfare combatant.
The first turret design would be cheaper, but the second would
greater flexibility.
For damage I think 1 check for the entire turret is the easiest route to
go. The reason is that it is just easier and this game works best when
the rules are quick and easy (IMO). Plus the whole design of multiple
weapon turrets is to save on common components - thus a single hit could
take out one of those common functions.
Laserlight wrote:
>>>c. roll for each weapon, when one fails, the remainder check at
> one level
>>>worse -- eg you're taking your level one check, you roll a 1 for
> the first
>>>weapon, now you lose any further weapons on a 1 or 2
>> Hmm, tougher. Would you have to "recheck" one of the weapons if
> it had
>> already passed and one of the others fails?
> No, you'd just do one round of checks. That may be too time
> consuming -- the idea is to have turrets. I was thinking that losing
> one gun from a turret wouldn't necessarily mean that you'd lose the
> others, but you'd be more likely to.