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RE: Convention touring

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 11:40:04 -0500
Subject: RE: Convention touring

> I'm going to the USA for a couple of conventions in June
> (possibly via the UK).
> My itinery includes:
> Origins (30/6-3/7)

I was looking on Origins site for Dean's FT Crossover. Robin, I was
to tell you to register early; I always try to squeeze in too late, and
it's VERY popular. However, I'm not seeing it. Worse comes to worst,
bring a bunch of SW and ST micromachines, and we can try something off

Dean, can't make it this year?

I see two fleet book based events, and a Full Impulse (FT 3-D?), one
Stargrunt, and one DirtSide, all but the Full Impulse part of a string
games, and by the same person, but can comment on none of those.

I'll be at Origins, so keep an eye out for a greybearded fellow with a
cossack-style scalplock.


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