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Re: [OFFICIAL] New ESU ships - special deal available!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 22:00:34 +0100
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] New ESU ships - special deal available!

>--- Oerjan Ariander <> wrote:
>>  Jon wrote:
>>  >A special deal pack of the NEW STYLE ESU STARSHIPS
>>  is now up on our
>>  >webstore ( - a Mega-Fleet-Sized pack,
>>  around 60 GBP worth of
>>  >ships for just 50 GBP (or even cheaper to non-EU
>>  customers after VAT
>>  >deduction....).
>>  >
>>  >The deal pack contains 1 x FT242 NEW SDN, 1 x FT244
>>  NEW CVH, 6 full groups
>>  >of the new fighters (3 x FT231 Lights and 3 x FT251
>>  Heavies)
>>  So when are we going to get pictures of the new
>>  fighters? I know what the
>>  FT231 looks like, but I'm still curious about which
>>  one you're using for
>>  the FT251! :-)
>and does this simply require us to enter that we want
>the "new ESU" in the comments field?

No, it should be listed as a separate special pack (not a regular 
Megafleet) - I'm not sure whether Paul has put in the ESU page or in 
the "specials" section. Look for an entry with the code "NEW ESU DEAL 

Jon (GZG)

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