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Re: [FT] First Game AAR

From: "Stephen Scothern" <stephen.scothern@g...>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 16:27:31 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] First Game AAR

From: laserlight

> From: Stephen Scothern
> >Last night I played my first Full Thrust game :-)
> Congratulations!

Thanks! It was also my first ever miniatures game with fully painted
:-) And also my wifes first miniature wargame ever.

> Don't have my books with me but just about everything (except PDS)
needs a
> firecon.

OK, don't think this would have affected the final outcome much, but
good to

> >This took us about 3 hours to play
> As you get more practice, you'll get faster.	I usually play 1500-2500
> points per side and get it done in 2-3 hours.

I would guess that the number of ships makes more difference than the
of points? I wouldn't want to go below 4 or 5 ships, as I would think
would limit the available tactics somewhat.

> >Next time, I plan to to add in missiles/PDS, maybe using the UNSC
> see how we like them, as these are my wife's favourite mini designs
> collection so far.
> One thing to be aware of when you add new weapons is that they often
> little practice to get used to.  The first time you use salvo
> instance, you're likely to say "they suck!" because you're not used to
> getting them to their target.  You're just as likely to say "they
> because you guessed well, your opponent is not used to dodging them,
> consequently gets vaporized.	Same thing applies to UN grasers, KraVak
> weapons, and so forth.

Thanks for the tip - I will make sure we both bear this in mind, and
post an
AAR when we finally get time to play another game.

Steve Scothern

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