[SG2] Fire teams mod
From: "laserlight@q..." <laserlight@quixnet.net>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:18:04 -0400
Subject: [SG2] Fire teams mod
Brendan suggested that my proposed mod of last night was equal to the
existing RAW detachment rules...but that's not quite correct. My
is that the SL is has two actions and the team he's colo'd with has two
actions but they're not necessarily the same. For instance, you could
the first action be team+SL : move, then team+SL: fire; or the second
action might be team:fire + SL:transfer action; or team:fire + SL:call
In addition, the other fireteam can act on its own -- it doesn't have to
have the SL transfer an action.
The point of this is simply to keep the SL in contact with the squad.
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