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Re: ... and [FT] Japanese Fleet

From: Inire <inire@y...>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 21:23:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: ... and [FT] Japanese Fleet

--- Oerjan Ohlson <> wrote:
> Inire wrote:
> >woah...did we just catch chatter from the IJSF
> playtest??
> No.
Aw, drat. ;-)

> >I have a IJSF fleet of minis and would LOVE to have
> a
> >clue as to where they're going. As written (from
> the
> >PDF i had last year), i have some issues, but may
> just
> >be playing them wrong.
> What IJSF designs is it you're using (I don't think
> I've seen the PDF 
> you're talking about), and what issues do you have
> with them?

The set I found was originally posted on Star-Ranger
for a brief time. I snatched it up, tucked it away and
forgot about it.  Later, i got an IJSF fleet and
started playing. 
Im sending you a copy of what I have offlist so you
can see where I'm getting my info.

In a nutshell, I started playing the IJSF in stand-up
fights with NSL and UNSC, using the NSL canon and UNSC
from the playtest stuff that hit Star-Ranger. That was
a disaster: while I might  have had a lot of weapons
on board, many of them were biased towards a close-in
engagement style, and with (typically) weak hulls my
ships were generally clouds of chaff by the time those
could be brought to bear.
Once I started to use the HDC on the larger ships
(using the HDC rulesas written in the PDF, i started
to have a little better luck at at least injuring
other ships at range, but once the engagement was
closed I was back to polluting the spacelanes with
random chunks: the NSL, for a classic example, simply
last longer in a given combat, and 1 for 1 will either
render my offensive abilities moot just by attrition
or chop my ship into bits by sheer weight of
firepower. Further, the HDC is a relatively
low-damage-potential weapoin for being limited to
every-other turn usage, and the timing of using
it/having any systems usable on board was a huge pain.

Don't even get me started on the UNSC. And the
Kra'Vak? I allied with the KV player as soon as I
could just to keep her from killing me before I even
got a shot off. ;-)

So I later got some fighters and tried that, assuming
that perhaps the IJSF model was to stand off and
dispense fighters as opposed to being in
fleet-on-fleet combat. So far the results have been
poor, though the convertibility of IJSF fighters on
the fly is of great  use.

Question midstream: how many sqdrns of fighters are
typically fielded? I may have been using too few.

In summation: when I've played IJSF, by the time they
get in range of opposing 3+beams, they are as good as
dead in 2 turns. The close in weapons are pointless
(no ship lives long enough to use them), and having
SMLs with no magazine is like shooting a shot across
the bows: they get attention but do no harm. I
replaced the SMLs with PTs and stripped the
submunition packs, replacing them with whatever beams
I could buy with the points or PTs. i have yet to
playtest same. will advise.

hope that helps!


Jeff "My dice hate me!" Fearnow  
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