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RE: [SGII] Vehicle Command Suite Effects and [FT] Japanese Fleet

From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2005 11:08:59 +1000
Subject: RE: [SGII] Vehicle Command Suite Effects and [FT] Japanese Fleet


[SG part]
> Aside from costing 8 capacity, what other effects does the command
> have on the game if on-table? I looked at quite a few FAQs but cannot
> the info.

I don't have SG to hand right now, but I can't remeber CnC vehicles beng
mentioned expicitly in SG. So I'm guessing you've brought it across from
DS, in which case my comment would be that the DS level CnC vehicle is
well above what you'd normally see in a SG game. If you wanted to say it
represented a lower-level command vehicle (more in line with what you'd
see on an SG board) then 'd still cauton against saying it contributed
anything to comms roles unless you had a very good argument for it.
Otherwise it is going to draw a heck of a lot of fire or end up hidden
up the back well away from the fight. Neiither of which is an ideal
situation ;)

[FT part]
> Not being a WWII buff, I decided to go full on anime with the designs.
> I did try to remain as faithful to the
> mini as possible, which may explain some weird weapon choices.

I'm not the anime nut of the household, that's Derek's role so these
comments may be misguided. In general the designs look pretty
reasonible, though given the anime inspiration I would've expected to
see more missiles or fighters further down the class scale (e.g.
fighters on BDN up), but that may just be showing off my lack of
detailed anime knowledge really - I have this mental image of anime =
crap loads of fighters and missiles ;)

Also given the speed of you're small ships and carriers I probably
wouldn't have made the SDN and CVH speed 2, but then that could be
personal bias as I like fast boats - what would you expect from an FSE
lover? ;)



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