Re: HARDKILL 1/300th science fiction minis
From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 17:52:59 -0500
Subject: Re: HARDKILL 1/300th science fiction minis
Haven't seen these in real life, but I find the rhomboid-shape of the
vehicles in the photos a bit boring compared to the amount of variation
the Terran and Bloodworm ranges. I'll probably buy a bunch of Zythian
infantry next time I visit Gladiator, though - humanoid 6mm infantry is
pretty common, but non-humanoids aren't.
That's pretty much my take on the non-humanoid infantry......I've
got plenty of the humanoid type. As for the vehicles, not sure about
the line, have to see a few live before I make a determination.