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Re: OT - Victoria Cross

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 14:06:37 -0600
Subject: Re: OT - Victoria Cross

Sorry about that.  I should have said something in my first post.  I
JS turned off in my browser (well, set to "ask me first") so it doesn't
bother me...

My bad.

Not at all; tis a weirdness too common to notice. And it IS a site
with nifty things.

I also keep JS turned off, which weirded me out that the popup occurred
all with the browser's pop blocker enabled. The 'Close' button is a JS
command, so I couldn't even close it to look at the page.

I was just afraid you were going to tell me to re-enable JS. ;->=


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