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Re: Greatest. Gaming. Table. Ever.

From: "KH.Ranitzsch@t..." <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 09:42:02 +0100
Subject: Re: Greatest. Gaming. Table. Ever.

-----Original Message-----
> Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 04:21:50 +0100

> It works best with a limited visibility
> game like Dungeons and Dragons, but I can see
> possibilities with StarGrunt.

Quite impressive.

Would make a nice background projector for Full Thrust games and be
useful for hidden-movement map campaigns

Dedicated modellers might not like the flat table. No hills, trees,
houses, walls, etc. that give that special look to a table. However, it
might be used to projekt varioius markers onto a landscape - probably
needs a lot of preparation. 

Karl Heinz

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