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LLAR/LIRA substitutes

From: Warbeads@a...
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 15:18:58 EST
Subject: LLAR/LIRA substitutes

Since there are no dedicated LLAR/LIRA figures...
Debating between using NAC and ESU figures.
NAC Pros
Have NAC infantry/PA/IW in 6 mm already
have NAC infantry in 15 mm already
Sur America has traditionally used USA products in past even if not 
with US policies
NAC Cons
Given future history (I prefer O.O.'s read) that might not  completely 
ESU Pros
Who else would 'naturally' step in to tweak the NAC's  tail?
ESU Cons
I don't have any ESU figures
Any thoughts on why one might be 'better' then the  other??

Glenn  "warbeads"

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