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Re: Testing for life

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 16:17:04 -0500
Subject: Re: Testing for life

> Giving Laserlight more sheep-based ideas doesn't seem wise to me.
> all end in sheered lunacy, I tell you. Next someone will mention
> Baa-thulu, the Great Old Ram... ooops...

You're thinking of Sponge Bob Squid Lips, who appeared last year.
This year we heard the Dread Bleat of Baa'zathoth, and there were some
others which could have appeared.  Unfortunately Doug managed to
convince everyone that he was a Cthulhu cultist, when he wasn't
actually; but it drew enough attention that the actual cultist didn't
need to summon the Dark Young of Sheep Niggurath.

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