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Re: GZG-ECC 8 report

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 15:41:12 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG-ECC 8 report

> No, no no.  Well, okay, yes, but not in the context of being a
> conspirator--granted I may sometimes honor the letter rather than the
> spirit, but I always, always, always honor any deals I make.

>Tony said:   Just explain to me why, in 3 out of the 4 games I played
you, I was plotting with you to undercut or out right destroy the other
players with in one turn?!?  AND....AND in the one game where in didn't,
was plotted against

Stuart's game: *You* contacted *me* -- I merely agreed.  And I honored
deals, didn't I?

Con Queso: Conspiring with the GM doesn't count. Besides, did you
want me to run both con Queso and Sheep?  

Sheep: I was the GM.

AvP: we were the only two Pred players on the board, what would you

See?  I am maligned without evidence.

Tony> Moral of this story, never get in Laserlight's way....ever.


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