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Re: FT-Banzai ships

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 22:26:05 -0500
Subject: Re: FT-Banzai ships

> > Using banzai jammers (BJs) is a common anti-missile
> > tactic
> BJ's some new weapon not in the books?  I don't
> recalling it in any of the rules.

"Banzai jammers" means small ships which are kept in formation around
your valuable ships; since salvo missiles hit the "closest" target,
there's a good chance your opponent's missiles will be wasted against
the BJs rather than the real target.  (  I remember dropping 5 salvos
for a total of 22 missiles on a battledreadnought--except that a Mass
18 frigate turned out to be just a little closer...).

The counter tactic is to knock off the BJs with long range beam fire.

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