Re: ORC Fleet
From: Rrok Anroll <coldnovemberrain_2000@y...>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 04:52:34 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: ORC Fleet
Yeah I know they're human... I was mainly wondering about them... then
it occured to me that I don't hear much from alien race players...
Here's another one for you... what's the usual game size limits that
most people play with? Do most people go by a set amount of mass or
cost? or do you spend a few minutes going back and forth trying to
determine what everyone considers to be balanced forces?
Dances With Rocks <> wrote:
Rrok Anroll wrote:
> Does anybody ever use the Out-Rim Coalition? I know that SSDs just
> got posted, but I was wondering if anyone has actually used them
> (specifically the models) at all... ? Also I've noticed that it seems
> most everyone uses predominately human fleets? does anyone ever
actually use
> the alien fleets?
You do understand taht the ORC are human, not alien, yes?
I have a small fleet of the ORC ships, but due to the huge number of
ships I have in general to play with, they have not yet made it to the
table (plus I'm not 100% happy with the paint scheme I have for them :-/
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