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Re: IJN was:[FT] NI Alpha SSD's (finally) complete

From: "Star Ranger" <dean@s...>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 21:21:14 -0600
Subject: Re: IJN was:[FT] NI Alpha SSD's (finally) complete

> I'm curious: I dl'd the IJN beta stuff a while back
> and have been using it for my IJN ships; I'm wondering
> if you can leak any changes that may have occured in
> playtest, or at least advise if the  beta that was on
> Star_Ranger has gone firm?

Well the IJN beta designs haven't been officially made public yet.  I
haven't posted their location on my site or message board though I have
posted a link to someone elses IJN designs:
Again the ships at the above link are NOT the beta test versions, just
someone elses idea of the Japanese fleet.

> I ask as i note that your IJN slot umplies you might
> be a release point for the info, and I'm seriously
> wishing for some slightly upgunned (or at least
> beefier) IJN ships.

The IJN designs *will* show up some day.
Hmmm, you want the IJN 'upgunned' from what you saw......nope, you
definitely weren't looking at the beta test designs ;-)

Dean Gundberg

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