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Re: [ECC] Carnage con Queso (avec Jambon et Mouton)

From: Alan and Carmel Brain <aebrain@w...>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 00:36:27 +1100
Subject: Re: [ECC] Carnage con Queso (avec Jambon et Mouton)

Laserlight wrote:

> Adrian is referring to the fact that I'm thinking of bringing a squad
> of sheep, although that's not definite yet.  I'd have to decide on
> their personalities, for one thing.  Gandalf Stormsheep and the
> Grazers of Rohan?  A flock of females surrounding Baa...James Baa?
> Darth Baa and a squad of Imperial Sheeptroopers?  Or should I join the
> news crew, as Baabaa Walters?  Or, even more evil, should I just have
> cute, fluffy sheep who wander around with a slightly idiotic
> expression, happily saying "Baa!" in adorable tones?	

How about a band leader, communicating via a ewe-phone-ium.
Or use a hyperspherical table, though that would be non-ewe-clidian.

You've got to consider all the ramifications. I mean, imagine if someone

  who's into WH40k had a section of Space Marinos. Or even Romney 
Martians in Tripods.

Then there's the story of the Arab Potentate from the Gulf, the one who 
wanted dubai some genetically modified carnivorous sheep. One day, he 
saw a merry-go-round, and not having many of these circulating in the 
Gulf, decided to take it for a spin - just as the seller of 3 of these 
carnivorous sheep arrived.
Well, he spent so much time on the ride, he became not just Westernised,

but dis-Oriented. So much so that he staggered into the pen where the 
sheep were kept (they'd tried swords to keep the sheep in line, but pens

were mightier).
The leftmost sheep leaped to attack him - and missed. Then the rightmost

  sheep leaped - and also missed. But the one in the middle lept and 
soon devoured the unfortunate emir leaving only a bagfull of bones to 
tell the tale - a mere bagatelle.
The Shepherd, seeing what happened, scolded the sheep severely, saying:
"Middle Lamb, You've et a dizzy Bey!"

Alan & Carmel Brain

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