Re: [FT][OT] Ship Classification Grid
From: "Samuel Penn" <sam@b...>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 11:40:12 -0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [FT][OT] Ship Classification Grid
Nyrath the nearly wise said:
> I'm fiddling around with using a triangular grid to
> define various classes of warship. I'm using
> Weapon/Defenses/Movement for classification variables,
> but I'm sure others could be used.
> Once you see the method in my madness, you can see if
> it is worth adapting to Full Thrust.
Heh, now I'm going to be really confused... When I first
saw this for some reason I thought it was on the GZG mailing
list, and now it really is.
Still think there should be a difference between thrust and
delta vee. An ion drive and an orion drive may have the same
delta vee, but are very different in military terms. This is
of more importance to (where I first saw
it) though than FT, since in the latter all ships have
infinite delta vee but limited thrust.
(Wasn't Dv called movement initially? May be a better term
for an FT specific classification).
Also, how about the difference between finite ordinance and
unlimited weapons (e.g. salvo missiles compared to beams)?
Be seeing you, --------------------------