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Re: Initiative - was RE: Piquet

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 09:38:03 -0500
Subject: Re: Initiative - was RE: Piquet

>You can play where both sides alternate with equal points,
>and still have an interesting game due to the card decks.

One idea I had with Battle Masters, which has a similar card deck, was
separate each side's cards, drawing from each partial deck in turn.
if this already came up in the discussion, my apologies.)

As some of the cards included 'All x Units Move' or even 'All Units
which, unless discarded, can still cause massive inequalities, but
it's far less often that one can move many units. Seldom are one's next
moves negated by units being wiped out or crippled before their turn

Add some reaction/overwatch moves, and it would smooth out the see-saw
nature. Given improvements in C3, that makes sense.

But, would it still be Piquet?

On another question: overwatch, in most games I've seen, is fairly
restrictive. Would folks prefer it restricted rather than simple a held

BTW, don't be afraid to point out when I've made a dumb vacc-head


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